My Name is Samantha… and I’m addicted to Pinterest.
Sometimes it starts as a quick view of popular posts and other times it begins as a search for something in particular. Then, BAM! It’s been two hours and I’ve pinned 37 pins of cake decorations, motivational quotes, barbecue chicken recipes and how to clean grout with baking soda — and there is no grout in my apartment.
Perhaps it’s the visual stimulation of photo after photo. Or it could be the wealth of information at a lifelong scholar’s fingertips. Maybe it is the rush of possessing ALL the pins and hoarding them all in my own private cache of boards.
I have 26 personal boards that contain more than 6,500 pins and more than 1,000 more “likes” saved. And before you ask, yes, I review them regularly to make sure there are no duplicates, plan meals or craft projects or pick out outfits or new hairstyles.
But I have to temper when I click on my little red-and-white P icon, which is located in a primo spot to be easily selected with my thumb on the main page of my smartphone. I can’t just check my notifications, or look for the copycat recipe for Jim N Nick’s cheddar biscuits, oh, no, because I suddenly find a new orange (the fruit, not the color) wreath that would be a great summer hostess gift. That leads me to interesting ways to wrap gifts, ways to make hair bows, and now I’m planning a nursery for a daughter I’m nowhere near having.
Still, I can admit my obsession, and that is the first step in recovery, right? Maybe I should search for it on Pinterest.
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