One epic dream sequence

Posted by on May 29, 2014 in What I Think

Dreaming is fascinating to me. There is so much about it that is interesting. Did you know you can’t dream if you are snoring? Or that not everyone dreams in color? (I do, so this was really jaw-dropping to me) Or that not everyone can read in their dreams? (Again, I can so I was amazed.)

When I was a teen I purchased a dream dictionary and a scientific text on sleep and dreaming. Been hooked ever since.

Why you may ask? Well, I want to know why I can hear an entire conversation in Spanish in my dream. And more than I actually comprehend. Do I actually know more of the language in my subconscious to make up entire conversations between people, or is my subconscious replaying a conversation I “overheard” for me to reexamine it later?

I also have epic dreams. As in they are long and involved like the Odyssey. I also have reoccurring dreams that are really odd – a mermaid with gray-green skin and black hair that I only see when driving my family’s old station wagon.

And I have places in my dream that I return to, like two different houses, where different situations or events take place.

Recently I had one really strange, epic-type dream that included the following:

(I’m also including the meanings/interpretations, because they are just as fascinating!)

Packing to move out of a dorm (even though I’ve graduated and I’m married – in the dream too!); packing but can’t seem to finish: You are weighed down with endless expectations or responsibilities in your life. As a result you cannot change your current circumstances.

Fighting with a rude roommate and everyone taking her side: To have a fight indicates personal turmoil, or that some aspect of yourself is at war with another.

Being halfway moved into two apartments and not remembering which one is the “real” place I live (happens a lot in my dreams actually): This indicates a desire for change or a determination to solve dependence/independence issues. My dream also shows my uncertainty about which path I want to take, my old one or my new one.

Being in a social experiment about group mentalities: This means the dreamer is feeling helpless and or at the mercy of someone else regarding decisions affecting him or her.

Kissing a friend from college: Recalling adoration and respect for this person.

Catastrophe (tornado turned mudslide): To experience a catastrophe in your dream represents sudden instability and upheaval in your walking life. You are feeling extremely anxious about the unknown changes that are in store for you.

Car accident (avoided, barely): This indicates your emotional state, harboring deep fears or anxieties or perhaps “driving” yourself too hard.

Having to pee outside in public without anyone seeing me: This means I could be searching for privacy, or that I am searching for a way to express myself.

And a zombie attack that no one but me seems to be afraid of: To dream that you are attacked by zombies indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. You are under tremendous stress in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream represents your fears of being helpless and overpowered.